Quick Tool for importing Mail from Outlook 2019 / 2016 / 2011 to Mac Mail!
Importing Mail from Outlook 2019 / 2016 / 2011 to Mac Mail
If you are looking for a tool for importing Mail from Outlook 2019 / 2016 / 2011 to Mac Mail, look no further. “OLM Extractor Pro” is now here for converting your files accurately. It’s a tool that has a set of sophisticated features that is integrated with a simple interface. It brings both simplicity and power to migrate complex data easily.
Below we are taking a look at its best features:
Convert multiple OLM files at once
Firstly, you can select a complete folder if you have many OLM files. Very few converters support batch conversion without making other compromises. “OLM Extractor Pro” has full support for large migration tasks that may include multiple and over-sized OLM files without diluting the other aspects of conversion like precision and speed.
Accurate & Clean Conversion
Second biggest feature it brings to the table is accuracy. After all, the only goal you might have is to all of the data from Outlook 2019 / 2016/ 2011 to Mac Mail and if during conversion, the tool loses some elements of your data, it is not worth it. But “OLM Extractor Pro” carries a set of smart-logic at its core ensuring clean and full conversion.
Maintain your folder structure
Next, we move on to the structure and metadata of your files. It’s not enough to just get data from one place or format to another. You also want the structure and all the tiny details same. One biggest example of this is folder hierarchy. Almost all email users in today’s age arrange their emails in folders and sub-folders and the hierarchy of these folders can get complex. Most tools cannot keep the hierarchy same after the conversion, but “OLM Extractor Pro”. It applies specially dedicated algorithms to map the entire arrangement to the output.
Support all character / language
Talking about complex data that’s hard to convert correctly, there’s also Unicode content. Unicode is a universal standard to encode text in all language and writing systems of the world. It includes ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16, and more. Most tools can handle ASCII (English) characters easily but can introduce errors and missing letters with more complex writing systems, like Chinese (because it uses double-byte to encode a single character). Only “OLM Extractor Pro” has full support for the Unicode standard that makes conversion of your emails in any language possible.
Multiple output options
“OLM Extractor Pro” also allows converting OLM to other formats, one of which includes Mac Mail. In that sense, it is more than a tool to import mails from Outlook 2019 / 2016/ 2011 to Mac Mail; it’s a complete solution to transfer entire Outlook 2019 / 2016 / 2011 data to many email clients like Thunderbird, Postbox, and Entourage. You also get the option to convert it to EML and MBOX files, which are very generic and can be used with many programs.
Contacts & Calendar data
The tool supports contacts and calendar items conversion to VCF and ICS files as well. VCF and ICS are two standard files that are supported by many software.
Get it to import mail from Outlook 2019 / 2016 / 2011 to Mac Mail
If you are interested, download the trial version and check it out yourself.
Download free trial copy to import mail from Outlook 2019 / 2016 / 2011 (OLM data file) to Mac Mail, Thunderbird, Entourage Archive, Postbox, MBOX, EML, ICS & VCF file formats.